Are you grappling with sleep-related issues and contemplating a home sleep study to monitor your sleep patterns? Home sleep study devices diagnose sleep disorders from the comfort of your own home. Results are comparable to in-lab sleep studies and are much easier and faster for the patient. At Sleep Therapeutics, we recognize that your journey…
Category: Sleep Disorder
We know it’s hard to get a good night’s sleep if you are being chased from your bed on a nightly basis. Whether snoring from your partner interrupts your sleep, or you’re the one making all the noise, we’ve got you! eXciteOSA®’s innovative daytime therapy targets the root cause of mild OSA and snoring. A…
It’s that time of the year again! With New Year’s Eve quickly approaching and January just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what you want to accomplish in the year to come. We already have our New Year’s resolution—we want to help you sleep better in 2022! This means keeping you up…
It’s late. You’ve had a long, exhausting day and you can’t wait to get some rest. You snuggle under the covers, all wrapped up in your favourite PJs. Head resting on your cloud-like pillow, you close your eyes and start drifting off to sleep. Until it begins… Just a murmur at first, escalating in volume…
There are different types of stress we encounter in our day-to-day lives. You might be rushing to get the kids to school because you overslept, pushing hard at the gym, or approaching a deadline at work. Regardless of the type of stress we encounter, our bodies go into fight-or-flight mode. In response, our body increases…
Young and restless? Middle-aged and sleepless? It’s more common than you think. In North America, it’s estimated that 70 million adults suffer from a sleep disorder. This is a significant problem that should not be ignored when it comes to your health. When you’re not getting the rest you need (and deserve), sleeplessness can take…
It starts with the shift into winter—our sunlit hours (and temperatures) drop, dipping us into bouts of depression, lethargy and general unhappiness. Call it what you want, the “winter blues” or just plain “SAD,” Seasonal Affective Disorder affects nearly 10 million Americans every year—and it’s serious business. The thing is: So many of us mistake…
We’ve all been there: Trying to fall asleep when your bed buddy starts sounding the snore train. Snoring is annoying, there’s no question, but it can also be a red flag for more serious health issues. But before you go WebMD-ing the nighttime affliction, you should understand what snoring actually is, why not all snoring…
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