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Tag: Sleep Apnea

Wondering about travelling with your CPAP machine? People ask me about this all of the time, many seem reluctant to travel with their CPAP machines and are tempted to leave them at home…Don’t do it! It’s a piece of cake.  Whether you’re travelling by plane, train or automobile, with just a little preparation, you can…

It’s late. You’ve had a long, exhausting day and you can’t wait to get some rest. You snuggle under the covers, all wrapped up in your favourite PJs. Head resting on your cloud-like pillow, you close your eyes and start drifting off to sleep. Until it begins… Just a murmur at first, escalating in volume…

When you think of sleep apnea treatment, you probably think of the oxygen mask and tubing we see in airplane safety demonstrations: CPAP machines. While CPAP machines are one of our favourite treatments for sleep apnea, they aren’t our only one. In fact, an increasing number of mask-free alternatives have begun to hit the marketplace,…

So many Canadians aren’t getting the sleep they need to live healthy, happy and productive lives. Whether it’s from overindulging in unhealthy habits (ahem, nightly Netflix binges) or health conditions like sleep disorders, there are a variety of issues that can (and do) impact your ability to experience the restorative properties of sleep on a…

Young and restless? Middle-aged and sleepless? It’s more common than you think. In North America, it’s estimated that 70 million adults suffer from a sleep disorder. This is a significant problem that should not be ignored when it comes to your health. When you’re not getting the rest you need (and deserve), sleeplessness can take…

We get it: Sleep studies conjure nightmares of a sterile bed, wires attached to every limb, and a two-way mirror hiding lab-coat-clad scientists with clipboards in hand. Who could actually sleep with that rig?! Here’s the thing: Sleep studies don’t have to look like that these days. Thanks to modern technology, you can actually have…