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Category: Sleep Apnea

  Are you struggling to get the rest you need?  In your search for better sleep, you may have encountered cortisol, often called the “stress hormone”.  Think of cortisol as the conductor, coordinating various aspects of your body’s functioning.  When the conductor and the players are in sync, the result is harmonious restful sleep and…

Wondering about travelling with your CPAP machine? People ask me about this all of the time, many seem reluctant to travel with their CPAP machines and are tempted to leave them at home…Don’t do it! It’s a piece of cake.  Whether you’re travelling by plane, train or automobile, with just a little preparation, you can…

  As we grind our way through busy days, a good night’s sleep can often take a backseat to every other thing we need to do.  But adults require at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night.  When we don’t get enough sleep, we open the door to health problems, ranging from being more susceptible…

  Today, let’s look into a frequently overlooked and misunderstood aspect of our well-being: the link between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and weight gain. While it’s simple to blame a few extra pounds on lifestyle factors such as work-life balance, stress, challenges in preparing nutritious meals, or limited time for exercise, we may overlook a…

In a fast-paced and stress-filled world, many of us turn to a nightcap to unwind and relax before bedtime.  The initial effects of that drink may cause a warm, drowsy feeling, however, the impact on our sleep is a little more complex than that.  Let’s look at the relationship between alcohol and sleep to find…

  We have passed the halfway point of the first month of 2024.  As we stepped into a new year, just two short weeks ago, many of us made well-intentioned resolutions for every aspect of our lives and health.  But, enough time has already passed for some of us to have slipped off our rose-coloured…

Have you ever wondered what effect the quality of your sleep has on your brain health?  We often hear about the relationship between sleep and cardiovascular or metabolic health, but what happens to our brains while we sleep?   Alzheimer’s disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) are two seemingly unrelated health conditions that share a surprising…

Are you grappling with sleep-related issues and contemplating a home sleep study to monitor your sleep patterns? Home sleep study devices diagnose sleep disorders from the comfort of your own home.  Results are comparable to in-lab sleep studies and are much easier and faster for the patient. At Sleep Therapeutics, we recognize that your journey…

When you hear the words “sleep apnea treatment”, you might assume that CPAP machines are your only option, and with good reason. CPAP machines are a very effective method for treating obstructive sleep apnea—one of the best options you have! But maybe you’re not quite ready for one or you’d prefer to try out other…

It’s late. You’ve had a long, exhausting day and you can’t wait to get some rest. You snuggle under the covers, all wrapped up in your favourite PJs. Head resting on your cloud-like pillow, you close your eyes and start drifting off to sleep. Until it begins… Just a murmur at first, escalating in volume…