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Author: Taylor Kline

With summer in full swing, it’s the perfect time to go outside for some fresh air, sunshine, and exercise. But what happens when you hop in bed after a long, adventure-filled day and it’s a little too hot? Two hours later you’re lying there, still awake—exhausted, flustered, and desperate for sleep. If only you could…

I cannot even begin to tell you how many people I see who beat themselves up about eating late at night. “My biggest problem is I can’t seem to stop snacking at night,” or, “I try not to eat after 7:00 p.m.” are two of the most common comments I hear. To be perfectly honest…

When you think of sleep apnea treatment, you probably think of the oxygen mask and tubing we see in airplane safety demonstrations: CPAP machines. While CPAP machines are one of our favourite treatments for sleep apnea, they aren’t our only one. In fact, an increasing number of mask-free alternatives have begun to hit the marketplace,…

With summer in full swing, the hot weather and the sunny evenings go hand in hand with one of the most quintessential Canadian traditions—road trips! There’s nothing quite like preparing for a long, multi-day drive to visit family, go camping in the woods, or explore a new part of the country. Clothing? Check! Food? Check!…

Sleep struggles are typically the result of one of three things: Our genetics, our environment or our lifestyle—or a combination of the three! This month, we’re tackling a specific lifestyle choice that can help get you a happier sleep and a healthier life: Quitting smoking. We all know smoking is one of the worst things…

Tzippy Bernstein, in-house dietitian, back for the last post in our Sleep & Hormones series. We’ve already learned about ghrelin, leptin and cortisol, but there’s one more hormone we need to really keep our eye on when it comes to weight, appetite and the risk of chronic disease: Insulin. Insulin is our sugar-regulating hormone. It’s…

Did you know that approximately 72% of Canadian men have unhealthy habits? That men are 57% more likely to die from diabetes than women, and 79% more likely to die from heart disease than women? How about the fact that 67% of Canadian men are overweight or obese, and that those men are 40% more…

Hot and bothered? Frigid and frustrated? Good sleep comes with some very personal preferences, and temperature is no exception! While you like to be warm, cozy, and bundled up, your partner may be the polar opposite. If you and your bed partner are comfortable at drastically different temperatures it can lead to sleep frustrations—especially in…

So many Canadians aren’t getting the sleep they need to live healthy, happy and productive lives. Whether it’s from overindulging in unhealthy habits (ahem, nightly Netflix binges) or health conditions like sleep disorders, there are a variety of issues that can (and do) impact your ability to experience the restorative properties of sleep on a…

There are different types of stress we encounter in our day-to-day lives. You might be rushing to get the kids to school because you overslept, pushing hard at the gym, or approaching a deadline at work. Regardless of the type of stress we encounter, our bodies go into fight-or-flight mode. In response, our body increases…