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Author: Robyn

We know it’s hard to get a good night’s sleep if you are being chased from your bed on a nightly basis.  Whether snoring from your partner interrupts your sleep, or you’re the one making all the noise, we’ve got you!  eXciteOSA®’s innovative daytime therapy targets the root cause of mild OSA and snoring.   A…

It starts with the shift into winter—our sunlit hours (and temperatures) drop, dipping us into bouts of depression, lethargy and general unhappiness. Call it what you want, the “winter blues” or just plain “SAD,” Seasonal Affective Disorder affects nearly 10 million Americans every year—and it’s serious business. The thing is: So many of us mistake…

We get it:  A new year rounds the corner, and the old “This year, I’m going to get in shape” tune starts playing again. Maybe you get a membership to the gym or sign up for a subscription meal service. But one of the biggest players in your health doesn’t cost anything—and affects everything. It’s,…

We’ve all heard of mindfulness by now, from traditional Buddhist meditation practices to 21st-century trends like breathing apps and even retreats. And while we’re all for jet-setting to Bali for a mindset reset, so much of our mental health is dependent on how many Zs we’re getting in a night. The best part? Solid sleep…

We’ve all been there: Trying to fall asleep when your bed buddy starts sounding the snore train. Snoring is annoying, there’s no question, but it can also be a red flag for more serious health issues. But before you go WebMD-ing the nighttime affliction, you should understand what snoring actually is, why not all snoring…

We get it: Sleep studies conjure nightmares of a sterile bed, wires attached to every limb, and a two-way mirror hiding lab-coat-clad scientists with clipboards in hand. Who could actually sleep with that rig?! Here’s the thing: Sleep studies don’t have to look like that these days. Thanks to modern technology, you can actually have…

Here’s the thing: Sleep isn’t as simple as being awake or being asleep. There are actually multiple phases of sleep that we cycle through every night—if we’re sleeping well. When we’re not sleeping well, these cycles are disrupted and we feel it the next day (think fatigue, headaches, all the things). So, what are you…

We get it: Work is your bread and butter, and in a society that glamorizes the grind, it’s hard to say no to late nights and even all-nighters in the name of productivity. You want to prove yourself, land that promotion or seal the deal on a raise—but sacrificing sleep for success could actually be…

The countdown is on: Tomorrow marks not only a new year, but a new decade. If you’re setting goals to eat healthier, workout and lose weight you’re not alone: According to The Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, roughly 55% of New Year’s Resolutions are health related. And while we’ll cheerlead you all the way to…